UE 4.25.2 Bug Android AAB/APK files

Updated to 4.25.2 and seems to have come across a bug. When generating a game for Android AAB and APK files are somehow created with the date July 23, as if the engine from somewhere takes the old builds from version 4.25.1 and puts them here, but the rest of the files are re-generated and signed with the current date. I thought I was doing something wrong. Deleted all builds, did them again, the situation is the same. Is there any way to roll back to version 4.25.1, or is there a way to fix such a bug?


I’m seeing similar results. I enabled the “Generate bundle (AAB)” option in Project Settings > Platforms > Android once, and now even with that option disabled, it always generates an AAB file with the wrong modified date even if the option is disabled.

I’ve tried restarting both UE4 and my machine, hasn’t helped yet. This is using Engine version 4.25.3

Delete the [Project]\Binaries folder and build again.
The engine blindly copies any pkg in there. :slight_smile: