Ue 4.24.3 Recapture Sky every tick, Oculus Go crash

Ue 4.24.3 Recapture Sky every tick, Oculus Go crash

Hey 尚尚aili,

This is a very heavy function, And I think that it might be too heavy for the Oculus Go, Especially if you are calling it every frame.

Ue 4.24.3 Openlevel 30 times , Oculus Go crash
Openlevel and 30 times

yes,maybe.but i also have another issue,https://answers.unrealengine.com/questions/964861/view.html.
Those two issues have the same crash log.

Line 2672: 03-13 18:32:20.280  5465  5465 F DEBUG   :     #01 pc 0013aadd  /system/vendor/lib/egl/libGLESv2_adreno.so (glLabelObjectEXT+40)
Line 2673: 03-13 18:32:20.280  5465  5465 F DEBUG   :     #02 pc 04d41634  /data/app/com.YourCompany.Oculus-1/lib/arm/libUE4.so (_ZN17FOpenGLDynamicRHI21RHIBindDebugLabelNameEP11FRHITexturePKDs+184)
Line 2673: 03-13 18:32:20.280  5465  5465 F DEBUG   :     #02 pc 04d41634  /data/app/com.YourCompany.Oculus-1/lib/arm/libUE4.so (_ZN17FOpenGLDynamicRHI21RHIBindDebugLabelNameEP11FRHITexturePKDs+184)