UE 4.23 HLOD Clusters need Rebuilding

I have around 20 HLOD Clusters created trough the HLOD Tool with the Help of HLOD Volumes and then nit picking which assets go into the cluster and which dont. So far so good, when i create Proxy meshes for it it works (aside thats its super slow). If i save the map and open it again i get the message again that clusters need rebuilding even so i did not change a thing to where the clusters are or whats part of them… and if i look into the folder where it savers the HLDOS they are all still there but for some reason not in use but get overwritten when i recreate them any help? any ideas?


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any update on this ? im having the same problem

yea not really a solution as there doesnt seem to be one they way HLOD works as it seems it needs to be build at very last before you cook and probably you need to rebuild it every time if you change something, so i just stoped using them / building them till the map is done and will only look at them once im “finished” for lets say an alpha build. In addition because of you just “build” it will take forever i suggest you use only HLOD Volumes you place yourself and you mod what assets go into those, it doesnt make a lot of sense to put a rainpipe and an AC unit into an HLOD for a large building as the player would not be able to see them anyhow from that distance so just slap meshes in that are car sized or trash container sized and stuff like that.