Hi, i have a Flying AI, it doesn´t use any physics at all, it has a blendspace for blending animations for moving forward, back and sides, BUT here i found a problem…
if it moves forward and up, or forward down, it makes no difference to the ship, it will always move loking straight to the front, even if it is moving forward up, blendspace is not been very helpfull, since it is a plane where you can only add animations for moving forward, back and sides, there is no way to add an animation for Forward up and down, just forward, same issue with sides down and up.
It is easy to make this hapen if its not an AI, because player´s main character input can easily follow mouse for example (also no idea how to play custom animations for moving up and down do), but at least it can use input for rotation but in this case, no idea how to make it work with the AI.
I wonder then, how to make it play diferent animations, depending on inclination, for example, if it starts moving down, play a short unbalance movement animation first or depending on the inclination, use one animation or the other? maybe if its too much inclined down, change to standing rotation while falling down, instead of pointing down with head in case of a human.
I think this question is perfect for the forum because there is no much information about flying, please help, and share BP images for the community.