Well, i don’t know other way of reporting a bug, and after some google search and forum search i saw no other reporting or saying anything about this… so i’m putting this in here.
The Bug/Problem i found is with the “Array of transforms” acting weird and giving imprecise values and changing randomly to other values by clicking in and out of the input box, and by how i see it it’s completely broken and unusable…
Additional info:
Where it happens-> In the Blueprints Editting Window.
How to reproduce->
- Create an empty project.
- Open it and then in the content browser(or anywhere in the project, this doesn’t matter) create a new empy Blueprint of any class(all my tests was with simple actor).
- Open the Blueprint and in the left panel create a new Variable of “Transform” and then change the variable type to “Array”.
- Compile so the array can manually populated.
- Select the variable and in the right panel click the cross to add a new element to the array.
- Now try to put 90 degrees in all the rotation axes (XYZ), here is where everything bugs as f**k.
I uploaded a video in youtube demostrating everything in case i was not clear enough. The first part of the video is showing the bug in the v4.16.3 with subtitles explaining everything BE SURE TO HAVE THEM ENABLED, and the second part is showing the same process without any explanations but in the v4.17.1 with the same result.
Here is the link: Link to the video
I recommend skipping the start because the video is very long, so skip all the ■■■■ and go directly to Min 4:14 or to Min 6:30 for the test with the HISM
PS: I’m not completely sure, but i remember seeing this problem with the transform like 1 or 2 years ago when i started using UE4 and i did not know much about how to use it… but i can’t believe this has passed unnoticed for such long time… :S