UE 4.13 Media player plays texture too bright (with emissive color)

Upgrading my project from 4.12 to 4.13, the textures of my videos become way too bright. There is a huge difference, with the same parameters :

Is it normal? It seems to me it’s the media player that plays the video too brightly in UE4.13.

Can you copy/paste the contents of the Info tab in the MediaPlayer Editor?

Here is the info tab of the mediaplayer :

Player: WmfMedia

Forward Rates
Thinned: Not supported
Unthinned: Not supported

Reverse Rates
Thinned: Not supported
Unthinned: Not supported

Scrubbing: Yes
Seeking: No

Stream 0
Type: Video
Codec: MP4V
Protected: No
Dimensions: 720 x 408
Frame Rate: 24 fps

OK I understood, there is a problem with the .avi compression. With .mpeg4 I don’t have any problems, so I had to recompress all my avi in mpeg4 and it’s all good. Strangelly, in UE 4.12 and previous, it was not a problem.

Hmm… looks good. Can you share the video file? If you don’t want to attach it here, you can email it to me: max.preussner@epicgames.com


Can you send me the video anyway? I’d like to test it on my end. There seems to be a bug in WMF’s YUV to RGB conversion for certain formats that results in incorrect brightness. I already have a list of known formats that use UE4’s conversion instead. I may have to add your format as well.

Yes, I am sending you the video asap.

This was fixed in 4.14

Nope, try again mate :slight_smile:



Can you share your video file with me so I can add it to my test suite? You’re using a different encoder than OP.

Same here. Version 4.26