I posted question before with same problem:
Now this is still happened in latest source build from github UE 4.17.2, so i’m pretty sure this is bug. So far I tested in Shield Tablet (Tegra K1) and Shield TV (Tegra X1), both is Android 7.0
- OpenGL ES Deferred works but reflection from reflection capture missing, SSR works.
- Stationary light is broken. for example in Realistic Rendering sample, some Stationary Spotlight is missing (seems to do with stationary light overlap). Also affects Stationary Skylight as well.
This is screenshot from shield:
This is how it’s should looks like:
Notice all reflection is black in TV, coffee table, sofa, and picture frame. Stationary spotlight also missing.
Step to reproduce:
- Using realistic rendering example (tested in other example like Reflection Subway and even in new blank project with simple reflective floor and some primitive objects and reflection capture)
- Build UE 4.17.2 from github with changes: bBuildForESDeferred=true
- Make sure BuildForESDeferred is ticked in project setting
- Using android-21 for NDK API Level (tested with android-19 and android-23 with same result)
- Using Nvidia CodeWorks for Android 1R6
- Package the project using Android_DXT
- Run in device and all reflection is black