UE-38925 not fixed yet


I have installed UE 4.14.1 but it’s still replacing each mesh with the hole fbx scene (exported from 3Ds Max 2017)
when trying to reimport.

According to the “4.14.1 Hotfix Released” list, it should be fixed, but this is not working for me.
Let me know if you need further information. Thank You :slight_smile:


Bug fixed for “Import Into Level…” but still remains for normal import-reimport system.

I’ve updated the ticket, but this issue is fixed with 4.15 not 4.14.1. Sorry for any confusion.

The fix was changing the API Class in 4.14.1 so we had to push it to 4.15.

BirhanTR is right that there was a similar issue with Import into Level causing an issue that was fixed too. That is fixed in 4.14.1.

The issue seems to be still there for 4.15p4