UE-201308 Issue Fix

The Issue UE-201308 can be fixed by adding a load & save asset nodes before the texture modifications. This will prevent the editor from crashing.

Took me quite some trial & error to figure this out, hope this helps someone in the future :slight_smile:

Original Bug:

Setting Texture Group “UI” from Editor Utility Blueprint at Import causes a crash


In Blueprint, binding a custom event to OnAssetPostImport and setting TextureGroup to UI causes the UE editor to crash. But if it sets to the other group like “World” or “Character”, this crash does not occur.

Steps to Reproduce

  1. Add Editor Utility Blueprint (Asset Action Utility)
  2. Implement the logic so that the imported texture’s Texture Group is set to UI; [Image Removed]
  3. Adds this blueprint to /Script/Blutility.EditorUtilitySubsystem section in DefaultEditorPerProjectUserSettings.
  4. Import texture and confirm it causes an assertive crash.

Note: the repro project (imp_tex_sample_ue521.zip) is available. Open the project and try to import import_clash_1024x1024.png