
Hello Folks!
I was trying to Render a sequence in UE 5.3.2 with Chaos ClothSim in Movie Reneder Queue with Temporal Samples more than 1. The sim seems to be totally off. The more temporal samples I add, the more off it gets from a sim with temporal samples 1.

I see that there is a solution for this issue mentioned in UE-172069.
"Simulating with p.ChaosCloth.UseTimeStepSmoothing 0 fixes the issue.

This Cvar needs to be added to the MovieRenderPipeline startup sequence to solve this issue for everyone."

Can anyone help me what this exactly means ? Are we supposed to add this as a Start Console Command in the Movie Render Queue ? or… as a cvar ? Please refer to the attachment. At (1) or (2) ? or elsewhere ?
Can someone please help ?