UE-145345 - Still not working in 5.4.4 - Gameplay Effects - Modifiers - Tags Requirements not working

I have a situation where i don’t want the GE modifier applied on the target if any of the “MustNotHaveTags” are present. But it seems that this doesn’t work anymore (since i’ve seen other threads like this). it seems that there was a commit (UE-145345) where supposedly this was fixed, but for me it doesn’t. Then if someone were to ask me if i’m sure that i’m actually checking the tags on the target or on the source, or if i’m sure that these tags are present, i can answer that in addition to having checked on both (source and target) i also checked the “MushHave”/“MustNotHave” and both don’t work.

I just want to know if this is a known bug or if I’m doing something wrong i’ll kindly ask if someone explain what to do?

Update: it’s not working only on GameplayEffects with DurationPolicy set to “HasDuration” or “Infinite”.
