Posting this since I’m having this issue from the bug report from over a month ago and didn’t see any discussion on it, was hoping to get an update or a potential workaround.
As the bug report mentions, editing a spline in the viewport can frequently end up editing the entire spline instead - moving a single point on the spline in the viewport seems to default to editing the entire spline component instead.
While trying to come up with a workaround, I tried to use vectors with 3d widgets to move the spline points instead, but it ended up breaking even worse - the spline points ended up moving a distance away from the vectors, with no visible difference between using Local and World space for either the vectors or the spline points. Even then, the Update Spline blueprint node didn’t seem to be working fully either. The splines I had from UE 4.27 still work just fine, I simply needed to make more and it’s become a real pain to even attempt - I spent 5 hours on it yesterday and ended up breaking a spline that previously worked, meaning I spent 5 hours for negative progress!
Another thing to note, rotating an actor with a spline seems to do nothing to the direction of the spline - I’m not sure if that was intended or not (Maybe the direction is based on local space) but it took me a few minutes to realize why my character wouldn’t link to the spline when trying to match the direction of the spline to the movement vector. Is that unintended, or is there a way to force it to use world space? Is there a way to recalculate the spline direction based on the world direction? Am I missing something?
My project relies pretty heavily on splines - I’m brand new to game dev and think Unreal Engine is amazing to work with, but this has been bugging me a bit. Certainly not a deal breaker, I just wanted to know if this is something more widespread or if there’s a fix I’m missing.