UDK Multiplayer with Steam, rightclick join friend, etc

Hey, did you guys implement multiplayer with Steam features in your game, like the ability to join a friend just by right clicking their name in the friend list? I’m mostly concerned whether UDK’s old implementation of Steamworks still plays nice with Steam now, and if not, if there’s some workaround to it.

I used C++ access to rewrite a bunch of stuff in the engine so my game is compatible with the latest Steamworks. I think @Coldscooter uses dllbind in his own class to access new Steamworks features. As for vanilla UDK, I’m pretty sure it’s missing out on a lot where Steamworks is concerned.

If you guys get it please :pleading_face: make tutorial.

Thanks for the info. Sounds like extra work is needed after all, is the achievement code at least still compatible with Steam or does that need work too?

I’m pretty sure a lot of the main features are available in the old SDK included with UDK.

I use the default Steam interface in UDK for my server browser and searching for friends hosting. Achievements are available. Join by friend (from the Steam client) also.

Checkout OnlineSubsystemSteamworks.uc to see what’s availalble.

One thing that isn’t included was the inventory service, which I use for selling in-game skins.

The documentation is pretty confusing, but there is a lot of info here: UDK | OnlineSubsystemSteamworks

Cool thanks, I’ll see if I can get things working with just stock UDK.