So it took me awhile but I finally found a way to make a destructible score system for my game! But, I just ran into another problem : o
As you can see in the kismet code I use ApexDestructibleActor Touch function to modify the destructible actors health. This is
of course linked into the most vital section which is the Add Int box. You can also see it is linked properly and the kills update to 100 points
every time a touch function happens. The problem here is if I try to add a third actor that is touched the integer section stops working.
So basically I can only destroy two walls and the third one is none functional for kill updates. I stripped alot of the kismet code down
to try to use the method of deduction to see where my problem is and to me it seems like I cannot add another touch function to invoke the
add integer command! I don’t know if this is a major bug or maybe I am linking something wrong? but I have a orderly fashion in which I build
kismet nodes and I have also tried various linking combinations with no success. If anyone has any ideas I am all ears.
I fixed it. This had nothing to do with any integer problems but rather my lack of examining the nodes complete listings. I found that I had left “Player Only” checked on.With the way I have things setup Player Only basically disables the whole function of what I am trying to achieve. For future referrence if anyone wants to know how I achieved this I can tell you how.