UDK Docs search feature is broken

I’d like to provide a quick update: Our team has begun to spin the UDK forums back up into a read-only state. Once that’s done, we’ll be working towards properly archiving them.

We have no plans to allow posts and comments on the old forum, but the UDK portion on forums.unrealengine.com will stay online.

I will continue to update this thread. Thanks for your patience!

Awesome news.Please dedicate a little love(if possible) only to the search options as it was showing not exact findings before.And there was also a bug when you do a search for a word and you get for example 10 pages of results.When you start clicking to go on to page 2 and than 3 and than 4(etc) and if you decide to go back one page, it automatically returned you to page 1 and eliminated the results from the other pages(some times).And if you than click on page 2 or 3 it will show only the results on page 1.So I had to restart the firefox browser and delete cookies to make it work again.

The forums are back online!

Awesome news.Just notified the other UE3 users to test them out and see if all is working fine.
Thank you Epic :wink:


Thanks mate and all UE Staff. UDK is and will still be loved by many people, I myself intend to continue using UDK to develop games for a LONG time, and having the legacy UDK Forum back, is something priceless, as it contains too much precious knowledge of one of the BEST GAME ENGINES OF ALL TIME.


@VictorLerp Thank you so much! There may not be many of us left, but those of us who are still trying to finish projects really need these old resources.