UDK Discord Server


i made a discord server for UDK develops and those who want to.
Discord provides Voice Chat a. Video Streaming, WebSearching and Music Streams…A great place for hanging around,making friends,having ideas,meetings and more.

Join and help the UDK Community to stay Alive.

Some infos for you

I highly suggest to take a look into the Fails channel of the server.
The owner is a realy special person, just talk to him abit and you will know what i mean :+1:

Oh and if you are kinda advanced with the gamedevelopment topic overall, make sure you are always telling people the truth :blush:

Friendly insights of the Server :slight_smile:

Could not agree more. He is too strict when it comes to idleness in his server and disregards the fact that many of us have more important life matters to tend to. No one can give undying attention to a server. It is impractical and infeasible.

He was the final reason that convinced me to form my own server instead.

UDK Veterans Discord. We are idle-friendly.