Do you guys think you could consider adding a UCLASSNAME() macro? It would return the name of the current class in which the macro is called.

Example use case:

// In the class below, UCLASSNAME() would return "ASomeActor" (sans quotes), concatenated with whatever __VA_Args__ returns
#define UCLASSNAME(...)  // Implementation here...

class MYGAME_API ASomeActor : public AActor

   void MyExampleFunction()
      TObjectPtr<TSubclassOf> MyClassVar = UCLASSNAME(::StaticClass);

      if (GetWorld())
          GetWorld()->GetTimerManager().SetTimer(THANDLE_MyExample, this,  &UCLASSNAME(::TimerFunctionName), 1.f, true);

I think this would have great benefit in that I don’t have to hard code class name values in a lot of code. Plus something like this becomes a lot more valuable as the project gets larger.