Ubuntu UE5, materials showed in Editor become black and white square flashes

I am new to UnrealEngine, when I download and compiled Unreal Engine5 on my Ubuntu20.04, I created a new beginner project, but after I enter the project, the materials shown in the editor become black and white glitches, is this a hardware issue?

This is the screenshot:

Looks like Lumen problems. Try to disable Lumen first. It is in Project Settings.

It’s been some time, thanks for your reply, but sadly it still doesn’t work when I disabled lumen, I have changed my platform to windows, it works just fine, hope unreal team can solve this issue on Linux platform.

On Windows I have another problems with ue4, ue5, Win10, Win11 - bsod, black menu, black regions in landscape (It needs light rebuilding). I switched to Linux. It is much stable but not so good. I dream about something different multiplatform game engine. Blender guys create good multiplatform Blender. Currently I jump between Linux and Win11. :)) UE is better then others but not so good I thought. :frowning:
Steam, Blender, Gimp, Python, QT, and so on. It is only because of Epic Games that I still use Windows. :frowning:

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