UATHelper: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): ERROR: Windows SDK must be installed in order to build this target. PackagingResults: Error: Windows SDK must be installed in order to build this target

I keep getting this when trying to package my project:
“UATHelper: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): ERROR: Windows SDK must be installed in order to build this target.
PackagingResults: Error: Windows SDK must be installed in order to build this target.”

I’ve installed and repaired Visual Studio 2019 and all of the Windows SDKs are installed and repaired.

How do I tell Unreal Engine where they are installed or solve this error?

all of the Windows SDKs are installed and repaired.

Can You show the window of the VS Installer with all those selected? Cause to me selecting all of them is a bit overkill.

I have only one selected:

That says I only have one installed, but windows says I have 4 of them.

Are you using Source build of the engine? If so - rebuild the AutomationTool.

If that’s a launcher version - I’m confused.

Its the launcher version. That’s the Visual Studio 2019 installer screenshot.

What should the windows SDK path info look like in the windows path file look like? I might have to add that.
Is there a way to force Unreal Engine to look in a specific place for the windows SDK?

I forgot to mention I installed the Unreal Engine Installer as well from the same screen, with the same results. It is unable to find the Windows SDK.

I’ve also installed UE5 with the same issue.

Go to project settings, crypto and clear encrypt & Signing. your problem should be fixed

Nope. Same issue.