UAT (unreal Automation Tool) include localization

I’ve been trying to package my game to allow me to switch languages by selecting a combo box that I populate with FTextLocalizationManager::Get().GetLocalizedCultureNames(ELocalizationLoadFlags::Game); Which returns a TArray of cultures I support. I know that in the editor it fills out all of the cultures that I use in the localization dashboard. Then for the packaged project I need to go to the project settings and select the cultures I want to build along with the internationalization support of EFIGS so I can do English French italian German Spanish. But my problem is that I’m using Jenkins to build my projects so I need to include an extra command -CookCultures=en+es and -i18npreset=EFIGS in the RunUAT.bat so it builds the languages. But the builds it produces don’t include English and Spanish The function GetLocalizedCultureNames returns empty. I’m trying to figure out what I’m missing so that I can include the different cultures so I can translate the text. Also as a note I am able to build on my local machine and it builds with the two different languages it’s just when i use jenkins that it doesn’t include english and spanish and actually it doesn’t include any languages.

Here’s the command I’m using in jenkins to run the UAT if this helps.

call “%UNREAL_PATH%\Engine\Build\BatchFiles\RunUAT.bat” BuildCookRun -CookCultures=en+es -i18npreset=EFIGS -verbose -project=“%BCD_PATH%%UE4_PROJECT_FILE%” -noP4 -platform=Win64 -clientconfig=Shipping -serverconfig=Shipping -cook -allmaps -build -stage -pak -CrashReporter -archive -archivedirectory=“%BCD_PATH%\BuildCookDeploy” > buildcookdeploy.log

Found that my command was correct the problem I had was that the localization information wasn’t included in the files on the build machine that jenkins was running so it was unable to build in the other cultures. I needed the Game.archive and game.po files that were made with the localization dashboard when I exported the .po files. Without that info it didin’t have a culture to translate so it just defaulted to the English.