I accidently deleted my UE5 Game project. I managed to save all files of my project, but files are seperated and i need to create new project and import every .uasset file into blank project.
I couldn’t find a way import any of the .uasset file into blank projects, could you help me please?
.uasset is not a file format that can be “imported”, per se. But if you have a new project in the same engine version that those uassets were created in, they should still function. So you would copy and paste them into the correct folders, and as long as all the relative paths are accurate they should show up and behave as expected.
If you have BP_MyBlueprint.uasset in the /Content/ folder in File Explorer, but don’t see it inside the actual Content Browser after restarting the project, it was either created with another engine version, or it could be corrupted. If you brought these assets out from the Recycle Bin, they should be okay, but if they were recovered from the harddrive with a special tool, there’s a chance they could be corrupted.
As far as I know, there is no way to repair it. Uassets are binary files, which makes that tricky.
It’s too little too late, but make sure to back up your projects as you go, ideally using source control like Git, Perforce, or Subversion. It’s not just to protect against a catastrophic failure like this, but also to protect against a minor code change that could break everything temporarily and needs to be reverted to a working version.
Just to add… If this happened here tomorrow, it’d be a busy day opening up uasset files in a binary editor and comparing them side-by-side with working examples… Just to see if only the headers are corrupt and the rest can be saved (repaired manually). Tricky stuff, but worth a shot.
That’s after looking in the project SAVED folder of course, to see if there’s anything salvageable there. If the assets were using default Marketplace packs, you could also attempt to re-download those and re-link them to the uassets to see if that restores anything as well. Its best to not try to open everything at the same time. You should open the project up in a state where it loads nothing. No default maps, no gamemode, nothing.
Otherwise trying other recovery tools maybe is the next option. Maybe you can recover older copies of assets at least, just not the very latest ones. That’s usually hit and miss though (mostly miss). But never say never. Make sure though, you are using the same engine version or later to open the assets. Open up a texture file and check for the version #. Its a binary file, but that part is viewable using any kind of text editor you like.
As was already hinted. Backups are key. Won’t help you now but you can learn from this before losing years and years of work. Get used to cloning the project regularly at least. Zip up everything to an External Drive / USB memory / Cloud every day. Do something at least to limit your exposure.
There was a SAVED folder inside of Disk C-> App Data → Unreal Engine 5.3 → Local → Autosaves. That saved files are not corrupted and i didnt even needed the recovery tool for that. They was just inside the windows folder.