So I am trying to read the transform of a specific bone inside an animation sequence at a given time, and I am testing with the Root bone on an anim sequence that I know has Root Animation. I’ve tried with multiple anim sequences all that have root motion, I’ve tried with different bone indexes (pelvis at 1, etc.) and nothing is working. It’s returning a Transform with Location, Rotation at 0,0,0 no matter what I do.
Testing function to try to give me some usable value comes up zero:
FTransform GetAnimationTransformAtTime(UAnimSequence* AnimSequence, float Time)
FTransform Transform;
int BoneIndex = 0;
AnimSequence->GetBoneTransform(Transform, BoneIndex, Time, true);
return Transform;
I’ve seen some other posts of people using GetBoneTransform successfully, so my question is why is it giving me nothing but zero?