It is at the bottom of the question, I will put it here as well:
Dropbox - AIPerception - Simplify your life
Have you checked the files? Does it seem that something is wrong with this?
Hey -
I was able to test the OnPerceptionUpdated delegate binding using the following steps:
- Create two new classes (MyPawn class and MyAIController class - code for classes is attached)
- Add AIModule to my Build.cs file
- Compile and open project
- Create blueprint from MyPawn class and place in level
As I walked around the placed pawn, the on screen message and log warning from my Test function printed which indicated that the dynamic binding was being called. In my test I created the perception component and AISenseConfig_Sight as part of the AIController class rather than subclassing them. Let me know if these steps and files help any or if you’re still experiencing a problem with your binding setup.
Wow it works! Thanks for all the help. Moral of the story is “why subclass when you don’t have too”.