U-N-I : Music video created with UE5 and Metahuman Animator

I’m excited and proud to share this one with you. This was such a fun and unique creative process, from creating the Metahuman or alter ego, to Cell7’s stunning performance.

Working alongside the artist with the Metahuman creator was a fun process. Equipped with just an iPhone and the LiveLink app, we captured her performance using a simple setup of a ring light and a phone rig. After conducting some initial tests, we were inspired to slow down the footage—a technique achieved by speeding up the music playback. We settled on 1.5x speed, which pushed the limits of performance while achieving the vibe we were after. We dabbled with various enhancements, such as animated lighting and dynamic camera movements, but ultimately, simplicity won, focusing on the performance and lyrics.

Hope you enjoy, headphones recommended.


:heart: it!

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Hi there @joikloi !

First let me say welcome to the forums! We’re so excited to see what you create!

Next, I want to congratulate you on being able to make something so beautifully detailed to match the vibe of the music. The expressions and movement all feel super organic and the lighting is gorgeous especially during the later part when there is this visual haze from the background singing.

How long did this take to complete, if I may ask?

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Thank you so much, I guess I missed your reply. Admittedly we spent a fair amount of time tweaking and editing, redoing takes and splicing together, but hard to say as it was done in a few different stints and mostly during off hours. At least 3 different sessions of takes, a whole lot of nights editing and tweaking and then eventual 4K HDR EXR renders. Wish I had a clearer answer for you, but hope this gives some insight into the process.

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Hey there @joikloi !

It happens, no worries! Your answer does help with a lot of my curiosities as even just a general idea helps me to figure things out. I did have a curious question about the overlay effect, if that’s alright? Around 1:55 in the video, I was curious how you managed such an effect?

this is really cool :+1: