U_92 Unreal short film won best Evermotion animation for 2022 !!

Hi to all and happy new year !!
For those who didn’t noticed, my short Unreal film U_92 won the best animation award for 2022 in Evermotion.

Here the link for the short : U 92 #unrealengine 5 short film. - YouTube


Winning best animation is truly deserved with such a brilliantly animated short film! I remember being in awe and very impressed by the sheer quality and message of U 92 when you first shared it with us last January. :star_struck:

It’s been a year since then; oh, how time flies! Congrats again on winning this much-deserved award, and I look forward to seeing the lovely creations you wow us with this year! :fireworks:

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Thanks a lot !
Yes, like you said, time flies !!
Hope to share some new work soon here !
Stay safe !

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Congrats @aurelarchi :slight_smile:


Congrats for the first place!!! It is well deserved :slight_smile:

Solid work there :smiley:



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