When starting the ‘Landscape-tutorial’ with your small blue hat-thingy, you can click through the tutorial and will notice a few typos:
- Location: ‘anyother’, instead of ‘any other’
- Section Size in the first sentence: ‘… but with will have a higher CPU cost’ (overall this paragraph is written in questionable english and punctuation, if I may say so)
- Sections per Component: ‘… component could have a 2x2 sections …’, the ‘a’ seems to be wrong
- Number of Components in the last sentence: ‘… .our Landscape is bigger …’, ‘Our’ should be big, and there is a space missing at the beginning of the sentence
- Fill World in the first sentence: ‘sectoion’ instead of ‘section’
- Fill World in the second sentence: ‘now to how it …’, there’s a verb missing here