Typo in Menu

I think that the steps needs to be stops.

Hey PwnNubs,

Could you please tell me where you’re seeing ‘steps’ at, or provide me with a screenshot?

Thank you!

Hey PwnNubs,

I have not heard from you since your initial post on this thread and for that reason, I need to close this thread as resolved. However if you can provide us with the steps on where the typo is within the menu, I’ll be more than happy to report that to our developers.

Have a wonderful day! :slight_smile:

Sorry I forgot about that, it was in the attachment, I think that you are able to see that.

Hey PwnNubs,

Thanks so much for uploading that screenshot. I have verified the typo and have submitted a report referenced as: UE-17686

Please let us know if you have any further questions. :slight_smile: