TypeOf() or GetType() in Verse?

I obtained the following sorting code sample through Googling:

Sort(Items : []t, IsAscending : logic, Comparer: type{_(:t, :t)<computes> : int} where t : type)<computes> : []t = 
    if (Items.Length > 1, Pivot := Items[Floor(Items.Length/2)]):
        Left := for(Item : Items, Comparer(Item, Pivot) < 0) do Item 
        Middle := for(Item : Items, Comparer(Item, Pivot) = 0) do Item
        Right := for(Item : Items, Comparer(Item, Pivot) > 0) do Item
            Sort(Left, IsAscending, Comparer) + Middle + Sort(Right, IsAscending, Comparer)
            Sort(Right, IsAscending, Comparer) + Middle + Sort(Left, IsAscending, Comparer)

Here, I added the following methods to simplify the sorting code for the main types:

#Sort Methods By Type
CompareInts<internal>(A : int, B : int)<computes>: int = 
    if(A < B) then -1
    else if(A > B) then 1
    else 0

CompareFloats<internal>(A : float, B : float)<computes>: int = 
    if(A < B) then -1
    else if(A > B) then 1
    else 0

(Items:[]int).SortInts(IsAscending : logic):[]int = 

(Items:[]float).SortFloats(IsAscending : logic):[]float = 

If I name both SortInts and SortFloat as Sort, it outputs a compiler error saying,

The function operator’.Sort’(:float,:tuple(),:logic) is ambiguous with this definition: function operator’.Sort’(:int,:tuple(),:logic) (3532)
It was inconvenient because I couldn’t handle functions with the same name even if the parameters were different.

Therefore, I want to implement a single function Sort(:t,:logic) that automatically handles according to the type of Items using parametric.
Is there a function like TypeOf() or GetType() that can check the type of Items, or is there another way?