Type Your Answer: FP Puzzle

I’m wanting to learn how to make games using blueprints. This may be above my level, but I wanna figure that out for myself. I know how I can add a character who can move around and jump using one of the templates.What I am wanting to do is create computer panels around the map which ask specific questions, each different from the last panel.
I want the character to be able to walk up to the panel and press a key so the camera zooms in on the surface of the panel. Then I want the first question to be visible, and the player can type in the answer to that question, in which the case doesn’t matter. If the 1/2-word answer is correct (there may be a list of answers that would be correct), then the computer triggers something in the map, like a door opening.
Does anyone have a Youtube video or something that they would suggest I look to? Any suggestions would be appreciative!