I hope someone can help me with something that should be so simple.
I just purchased this animation set from the marketplace:
When I attempt to retarget to the Unreal mannequin (more specifically, the mannequin from the SideScrollerShooterKit), I get this:
I haven’t even tried retargeting to my character yet.
This is highly discouraging and nothing I do works. I’ve spent pretty much all day troubleshooting this and have yet to get to building Animation BP/Blendspace…
I really hope the seller responds to email and/or someone can assist me. Point me in the right direction at least?
I received an update from the seller. Updating to 4.16 and will hopefully get this bad boy working.
The seller has been very responsive; however, we have had no luck in resolving this issue. The seller sent me a newer file with “neck issue fixed” folder of animations but that resulted in more of the same.
If there is anyone out there with ANY suggestions on how to retarget to the Unreal mannequin, I’d be most appreciative. I have tried the standard method of retargeting and get a result with the head twisted and upside down, along with arms being twisted.
I will try anything. The seller has told me to get a refund (I don’t want one, I want to use the animations I purchased). How would one go about a refund (I’m under the impression there aren’t any refunds)?
Please help…
Here’s a quick video illustrating how I am attempting to retarget the animations and the results I get…
There is is this as well (not sure if this is an issue or not):
I really hope someone can help…
According to the marketplace link, the animations are using the UE4 standard rig. I would try the following:
- Add the new animations to a third person template project.
- Delete the skeleton of the two swords animations. When you delete it, it will ask you to replace references – select the standard UE4 skeleton there.
If that doesn’t work, why don’t you try attempt the full retargeting workflow shown here?:
The problem shown in your videos seems to be incorrectly referenced bones in the retargeting set up (For example, clavicle_l might be in clavicle_r field and so on). I would go to the rettargeting manager and recheck every single bone to ensure that they are correctly mapped.
Hope the above helps!
Thank you! I owe you a beer!
Spine03 was set to None. I am successful.