I’m getting this really odd bug where the characters animations won’t play when walking only the idle plays. Despite them being connected to a blend space which is dependent on speed. This is also just the default manny animation blueprint and i have not changed much only the “Cast to”
Another issue i am getting is for some reason after the attack animation montage is played which has rootmotion aplied the rotation goes “all weird” i was thinking that maybe it’s a collision issue but found nothing to solve this…
Example of both problems:
(Can’t upload A Video so this link will have to do lol)
Don’t worry, a video link is 100% ok! Great, in fact. It’s probably the most helpful form of information you can give here when it has enough to go on.
Here, though, we really don’t have much to go on. You mentioned you changed only the “Cast to” but that’s… not really explanatory. Get us some code! We would be better equipped to help you with more info on your enemy BP and ABP- what did you change and why is the "Cast to " node changed? Chances are there’s an issue with that, if that’s all you changed.
So essentially the issue is that the enemy does not change anim state and im unsure why… it’s using the defualt should move boolean to tell the ai to play the blend space and the blend space is unchanged. I changed the cast to node to cast to the enemy blueprint and that’s all.
Pretty much the issue was that the “Should move” Variable in the animation blueprint wasn’t changing and was stuck false for some reason so i made it so the states go to walking if speed greater than 3
However the second issue where the enemy freaks out after playing the montage is still a mystery.
Have you tried disabling rootmotion on the montage? It seems like you don’t need it as you’re giving it the ability to move outside of the animations. You can do that OR disable then re-enable the enemy’s follow movement before and after the montage. The problem is it’s trying to do the rootmotion AND move which is causing them to conflict.
Well there is at least a more defined problem to focus on: When your montage is playing, if you move away from the enemy it tries to follow and that causes the montage to go wonky. The thread to follow is definitely root motion and movement.
You are completely sure you turned off root motion completely?
Check out this documentation page for more resources, you may just need to find the right combination of settings for you:
I fixed it… It was a really stupid error. When the enemy was rotating toward the player i had that setup on a timeline however never lerped the rotation therefor for about 1 second it was trying to rotate toward the enemy whilst also trying to move to it and it caused the bug! Thanks for the help!