Two players lists for lobby

is it possible to instead of having players all go into single player list but have cards added to another pane IE if players state is has red team true then add player to red team player list and if player state is set to blue team then add player to blue team player list?? been going crazy this week trying to get it working but it only ever works on host but not when I do it on clients from the for each Loop I am going a branch on the playerstate and if player state is true having it add to one list and if false add to the other team list but its only working on the host not the clients if I add branch on. I used this tutorial as bases for my player list code. How to make a Multiplayer Player List | Blueprint Replication Tutorial | Unreal Engine 5 - YouTube hope someone has had this issue before and knows how to fix it.

So… …in my lobby I have a “IsReady” boolean of which each client has a button they can press to indicate that they are ready to play the game. All the players see the ready status for all players in the lobby. Maybe this is the same/similar logic to your red/blue team indication you want?

If so, this is what I am doing. Not claiming this is the best way; however, it is working for me…

I have a structure that gets created when a new user joins the lobby on “Event OnPostLogin” in the LobbyGameMode and is saved in an array. I suppose you would have either two lists or a list of just people who identify with the same team as that player. Regardless, in my lobby player controller I have an event replicated to the server called “SetReadyStatus” which toggles that ready boolean in this structure. At the end of this event it calls a “UpdatePlayerList” event in my LobbyGameMode which updates yet another array called “ConnectedPlayerInfo”. After this array gets updated, this event then loops thru the origional list of player controllers and calls a replicated on the client event in the LobbyPlayerController. I think the key to this event call is that target is that specific user and user’s controller such that it, effective is updating both the host an client player controllers with this updated array of information. The image below illustrates what I believe is the key to the data sharing scheme…

ConnectedPlayers is an array of LobbyPlayerControllers while ConnectedPlayerInfo is an array of player information.

Clear as mud??? :grimacing:

I found it. My “IsReady” code, red/blue proposal, is based of the following tutorial series…

My main goal is to have two lists shpw on the player lists panel one lists shows all people that are currently in the battle ring in the lobby these players will be given player controllers on start, And second list showing everyone that is just in the lobby these players will be assigned as spectators on game start.