,Two player fighting game help

,Hello, I’m fairly new to coding (some experience with unity 5, Gamemaker, scratch) and am kinda stuck. I started with the 3rd person template and copied the character.

first problem I don’t know how to add or subtract movements from characters. I cant find an option to make the default player not move with WASD and just use the arrow keys.
Similarly I cant find a way to link new buttons to actions (j = punch for example)

second problem nor can I find out how to change the current model and add new animations.

finally, I am trying to make two health bars and stamina bars. I already made one using this tutorial and am trying to make two health bars that react to the two characters. Simple fighting game stuff.


1, Input is all handled quite simply, first go to project settings, then click input.
From there add all the keybindings/axis mappings you want.
each axis needs a positive and negative.
eg: left arrow, -1 X axis, right arrow 1 X axis the float result of this axis will be its current position.

2, You need a player pawn. all mesh/materials changes occur on the pawns, the player controller blueprint controls the pawn, but is not the pawn.

3, Widgets are what you need. there are bars you can update using blueprints, and the variables controlling health/stamina whatever can be shared between the player controller and HUD widget.

4, these are three very different potentially complicated topics, if you need alot of help with these, i would recommend splitting each issue into it’s own thread so its easy for people following it to assist you.

Thank you very much!
This engine looks fantastic, I just might need some help starting up. I’ll post some new threads if I need to!