Every time I drag a character blueprint in the level, lining it up with the player start already in the level. I get two of the same characters. One I’m controlling and another just standing there. In my gamemode I set a character, which is the same one I drag on to the level. How would I drag a character blueprint on to player start without creating two of the same characters?
There is no magic, spawn system in GameMode will spawn character class you selected regardless of what you place on level.
If don’t want to use spawn system in GameMode, set default pawn to None in GameMode defaults. Also placing character is not enouth, you need to Posses that pawn with with PlayerController. In GameMode on Begin Play use “Get all actors of class”, set class to your character, get item 0 of result, check if “Is Valid”, if it is “Get Player Controller” and possess the actor that first node found, this way you GameMode will find a character actor and possess it regardless of the level.
i don’t see reason why not just use default spawn system, there no diffrence in result in both methods. Just move PlayerStart where you want pawn to be spawned.
Thank you. I know it wasn’t anything special to it, but I just couldn’t find any information on it. Also, when I did set default pawn to None in GameMode defaults and still placed a character in my level, the Engine would crash.
I was asking because I wanted to use the player camera to start off a matinee then go back to the player. I’m having some trouble here and there, but I’m managing to get something out of it.
Thanks, both of you.