OnActorBeginOverlap is whole actor event, you need to use component level event, you can add it from Components tab in details of component, there option to add event to blueprint for invidual component
You could create multiple trigger volume as many as you want. How about “OnComponentBegingOverlap” function? Have you tried this function? Here is a small example that changes the opacity of chair material by overlapping different box.
Is it possible to have two OnActorBeginOverlap events inside of one Blueprint?
I have a blueprint with 2 trigger volumes inside it and I want the player to be able to perform different actions depending on what trigger volume they’re standing in.
If I try to add two OnActorBeginOverlap events though well…UE4 doesn’t like that. In fact it won’t even let you do it unless you manually place the second one from the node palette.
Once you add it though it won’t work anyway. I understand why I suppose, since when I leave the volume it triggers the end overlap event. But I’d like to know if there’s a way to do it.
Cool, I wasn’t aware of the component overlap nodes (sigh).
But how can I have two separate events fire off depending on which trigger your standing in?
For example I have a key press event inside trigger box one that does something.
But in trigger box 2 I also want to have a separate key press event.
Attaching an image, might make it more clear.
That’s easy to do with only one key press event, but when I try adding two I run into problems. I’m not sure how to make the key press event realize it’s only supposed to happen when I’m in specific trigger box.
Definitely need to study up on Blueprints more. Thanks a lot That creates new issues though. lol
Hi Anslem,
I would use two different Bool variable to determine what is overlapping with the character.
In my example, you set the respective bool true when overlapping, then when spacebar is pressed, it checks to see if the first box was overlapped, if not, check the other box. The print strings were just for testing it.
Let me know if that helps.
Brilliant! Thanks so much, . That works perfectly