Two hitboxes in the game are overlapping.

How can I fix it when the hitbox of the coin in my car game’s coin collection system and the hitbox of the car perceive a collision between them as if the car has crashed?

look at the collision settings of both objects, and make sure that they are both set to overlap each other ( in the Collider go down to CollisionCollision Preset particularly the “Object Response”)
for example if the Car is set to “Pawn”, and the Coin is set to “World Dynamic” then in the grid for the Car “World Dynamic” should be marked as “Overlap” and in the Coin “Pawn” should be marked as “Overlap”
these settings can be changed for everything of those Object Types in the Project Settings, and you can add additional Object Types there as well.
these can also be modified for each blueprint, and even for each specific object instance if you need.

you can take a look at the Collision Overview for more details on collisions in the Engine.

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