June 26, 2022, 5:04pm
Hello, everyone. I’m a beginner.
I applied the same material to the same object, but the color looks different.
I’ve been googling all day, but I haven’t found a solution.
I think the light map is the problem(maybe.). Help me.
and The line between the bricks is clear in Substance Painter, but not in Unreal. Thank you very much if you let me know the cause.
Thank you for reading it. I will pray and wait for your answer.
The lightmap can’t be a problem, because the mesh preview uses dynamic lighting.
Is it definitely the same material in both slots?
If you’ve set it up for vertex painting ( or lerping between textures ), you might just have the inputs of the lerp the wrong way around.
The lightmap Uv is far from good but it doesn’t give a clue, can you show the texture uv’s too?
June 29, 2022, 6:17am
The compression setting was wrong. I reset the settings and it was solved. Thank you all !!
Don’t forget to mark the issue as solved!