Two Bone IK

I followed a tutorial here.

I’ve checked and rechecked every node but I can’t find the problem.

First problem :
The arm enters the character’s body

2nd problem :
The arm moves for half a second before returning to its normal state (this is due to the speed interpolation, because when I set it to 0 the bug disappears).

3rd problem:
The weapon fits snugly in the palm before sliding down to the wrist.

I’ve attached screenshots of the Anim Graph and Event Graph:



Im sorry for my bad english

Since you’re getting the socket from the weapon, is perfectly normal to see the effector location to be 0,0,0 since you’re not in play mode, so the rifle doesn’t exist.
Debug while in play mode, and you’ll see the effector location in its place.
This will also show you where the socket location is and might give you the reason why the left hand slide away after the interp.

I added a print string after the node Set Gun Socket Location, but i dont understand , values go up and down…

Shouldn’t they stay fixed?