Two animations are fighting for control

The Idle animation is played from my animation blueprint, and the attack animation is played from my blueprint. here is where I played my attack montage.

For some reason, my idle started to interrupt my attack animation. i don’t think I have any collision to interrupt my attack. how do I check if it did?

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i was testing my AI. I found this bug where my idle animation would always interrupt my attack animation. As you can see in the graph. the weight of my attack animation goes up and down. then it eventually gives up, and both animations are playing at the same time.

I’m still investigating the problem. However, i think it might be because I used the AI Move to function during the play time of the animation montage.

I think i found the problem. while the attack montage is playing, the behaviour tree is still evaluating.
The behaviour tree entered the same sequence multiple times.

It is still unclear to me why it didn’t wait until the execution was finished. i have the execution handled. the behaviour should stop evaluating until my animation is finished.

Solved. TLDR, check the “observer abort” option on the blackboard. have a cooldown on the node.