Twitter share button for an iOS app


Does any way to create Twitter share button in iOS app with only Blueprint Scripting?
I’m also wondering how to create Game center connection.

I’m developing iOS app with PAPER 2D, and I want to create share button on the menu screen.

If there isn’t way to create that with Blueprint Scripting, what kind of methods do you guys think there are for that?
Thank you!

Hey Viviva,

I have not been able to find any documentation for setting this up through blueprints. I would suggest that if you’d like to add this to your game, you’ll need to implement code into your project. With that being said, I have submitted a feature request to our developers (UE-26140).


Hello ,
I too am interested in this feature. Did your feature request include a screen shot of the game or just a input message? What about game data such as current score? What about a fixed portion of the message like a hash tag?

Thank you.

Hello .
Thank you for your reply.

I tried with Blueprint because I am not able to write codes, but I couldn’t.

Posting a game screen shot with template texts including hash tag will be great!
If it’s possible, not only for apps but also for PC games sounds like wonderful.

Thank you.

Is this resolved? Is there a blueprint that allow us to create a share with friends button?