Twisted bones when reimporting mesh in default character

I’m starting to use UE4 and decided to try the basic thing before doing things from scratch, and that’s modifying the third person game example.

I rigged a model I made in Cinema 4D R15 with the same joints hierarchy and names to try to swap the basic blue character using the ‘reimport mesh’ option in the static skeleton. It actually imports it fine without any problem but when I play the game the character is twisted lke the T-1000 and the end of T2.

If you could please tell me exactly where is the mistake. I guessed it was that I didn’t aligned the bones in C4D but after doing that and trying the new fbx in UE4, the same thing happens.

Anyway, thanks for the help!

I guess maybe it have something to do with the weight maps as when instead of replacing the model, I import it and use retarget to get the animations and it works well like that (When I choose that mesh in the blueprint the animations wont work but thats another thing).

It would be good to know if I wanted to use the reimporter, how to avoid this outcome, I didn’t find a way to “update” the weight map of the skeleton anywhere.

Any advice on the workflow would be great.

did you solve the problem, an can you post how you solved it? ths hh

I ran my character through FBX Converter 2013.3 and any of the issues i was having are fixed… you may try this. Its a free converter. Autodesk | 3D Design, Engineering & Construction Software
Here is a link to the site.