Twist Spline (Rotate, Roll)


I’ve checked out a few forums and tutorials on this matter, but they are generally quite old, and it’s possible Unreal has tools to mitigate the pain of having to effectively execute twists to meshes.

I’m building an airtrain/tram, and although I can go left/right/up/down, I can’t roll/twist the mesh along its axis. This makes releveling impossible.

I’ve tried tinkering with pivot points, and even readjusting the spline location.

This is my current setup:

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This does it for me…


Try this:


My Products

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@Supremative @ClockworkOcean:

Thank you, both! Supremative actually answered the twist issue, and Clockwork answered my next question which would have been to simply rotate the spline about a specific spline point.

Thank you, both!

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