
Kick off the first #TwinmotionFridayExercise of the year with us and sharpen your rendering skills! :muscle:

Jamal Gecana created this stunning rendering in Twinmotion 2025.1 Preview 2 with the model by Khan (available on the 3D Warehouse). Now it’s your turn to download the model and add your unique touch!

:arrow_down:3D Warehouse




Hi everyone, this is my first time doing a Twinmotion Friday Exercise, and it was so much fun! I’m looking forward to your feedback. Thank you! :blush:

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My Twinmotion renders…


(post deleted by author)


Very beautifull congratulations

This is STUNNING! I am still learning TM. How did you add the stairs and the topo to the model?

Hi, I’m little late to the party, all lumen and some Photoshop

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Let’s highlight some of your stunning work from last week’s #TwinmotionFridayExercise.

Good job, Saba Turkadze, John Klm, Jesus Carbajal, Jamal Gecana, Ivan Nkana, Oziel Cantú, Eric Wynsenth Lumbab Allego, and everyone who practiced rendering with us!