Twinmotion will not let me open my project file

I tried to open a Twinmotion file I've been working on for some time now and I got an error message saying that Twinmotion is unable to convert the file with your version of Twinmotion. I've attached a screen shot of the error message for reference. This makes no sense to me as I'm using the same version of Twinmotion that I saved it with. It also says my file's current version is none. After this, I noticed it had also saved something called a Twinmotion Journal File to the same folder as well. I don't know if that has anything to do with it but found it strange. This is a massive problem for me as I've spent thousands of dollars worth of time on this project that will all go to waste if I cannot open this file. Has anyone experienced something like this and if so, were you able to fix it?

I got the same problem today. I just saved and closed file in TwinMotion 2023 yesterday, and tried to open that again this morning and it showed the same error. It could be my TwinMotion software got automatic updated from the 2023.1 Preview version to 2023.1, and that messed up the file.

Hello and thank you for posting in our community. Is there any chance 1 of you could tell me if you are saving your file on a cloud storing system, a server or locally?

Thank you


That is correct, thank you

I faced the same problem. what should I do? please help me

I've had multiple TwinMotion files crash mid-save and when that happens the file can't be opened anymore. An incomplete TwinMotion Journal File remains. This is a massive issue that needs resolved because incredible amounts of work gets lost. Is there any way to repair or recover these files?

Please use the "contact us" to reach out to support. We have a workaround to help.

Unfortunately, this has to be case by case.

Thank you for your understanding.


Hello, I have exactly the same problem, I would be very very grateful to you if you could help me with this as soon as possible

It was on a server. Someone from Twinmotion already reached out and said they couldn't fix it on the bug report I filed though.

It would be more convenient and helpful to post this specific workaround directly here with the link, please !!!


Please use the "contact us" from the home page to reach out to support. We have a workaround that should help.

Kind regards,

Vincent B.

Hi Vincent can you check this file ? I can not open

@MisterSmile84 and @MC_Jut

I am having similar issues. Was working on a file today, that was saved to my local harddrive, I saved it multiple times while working on it and then Twinmotion crashed and I am not able to re-open it.

I attempted to go through the “Contact Us” page on the Twinmotion support page ( but after clicking on the “Contact Us” button I get a get an “Invalid Page” message ( I have tried on three different browsers on my Mac.

Please let me know what the best way is to contact support and what can be done to recover the work I created.

I ran into the same problem, I then noticed that the version of Twinmotion that was giving me the error was not the latest version. For some reason when double clicking the TM file, Windows would open TM 2023.4 but the file was created in TM 2024 preview 1. After Launching the latest TM version from Unreal Launcher I was able to open my file.