Twinmotion Software on more than one computer

I have a paid license of Twinmotion on my desktop PC. We have relocated to Dubai so my computers are on a slow boat for a while. I have bought a laptop to keep me going until it arrives.

The question is, can I have more than one seat for Twinmotion like SketchUp. Meaning, can I download another copy of Twinmotion to my laptop if I've already got a copy on my desktop? I have a client who cannot wait for my stuff to arrive.


Hi Richard,

The Twinmotion entitlement is tied to your Epic account.

This means that there are no restrictions on having it installed on more than one machine, as long you are logged in the Epic Games launcher with the account that has the Twinmotion entitlement.



Thanks Francesco. I

I've managed to download the software thanks. I downloaded the 2020 version so I could open some previous projects up to edit. Unfortunately, Twinmotion crashed every time I try to open them. No idea why.

Is it possible to upgrade the 2020 version for the most current version?

Hi Richard,

It should not be a problem.

  • You can install the latest Twinmotion version using the Epic Games launcher dropdown (See image attached).
  • Launch Twinmotion 2022.2.1 and use the following flow to launch your project:
  • File > Open (Ctrl+O) > select file from earlier version
  • A warning message will appear and you should select 'Convert file'.

Everything should work out of the box and your 2020 file should be accessible in the latest version.

Please let me know if you encounter any further issues.

