Twinmotion Boats Pack 1 unavailable


Could someone share with me the Twinmotion Boat Pack 1 made available by Unreal Engine? These boats are no longer available for download on the Marketplace.

I will be immensely grateful for this kindness.



Alguém poderia compartilhar comigo o Twinmotion Boat Pack 1 disponibilizado pela Unreal Engine? Esses barcos não estão mais disponíveis para download no Marketplace.

Serei imensamente grato por essa gentileza.

Hi there,

I’ve got the boat pack, I can wetransfer it to you?

Send me private message with your details



I sent you a reply in private.

Thank you very much!

1 Like


I am looking for this boat pack too.
Can anyone share it please?

Sorry, I don’t know how to send private messages here.