Twinmotion 2024.1 worse performance in old scenes

When I opened a project from the old version of Twinmotion, I found that the viewport performance dropped by more than half:
In version 2023.2.4 in the heaviest part of the scene I received 25-30 FPS
In version 2024.1 there are only 10 FPS - this is on the 4070Ti (!)
The graphics settings in both versions were identical.

The scene is not very large (21.6 million polygons). Even when I worked this scene on the 2070 Super the performance was better.
I have already reinstalled the video card driver and Twinmotion itself - nothing helped.

Perhaps the problem is not just with the old scenes.
I also found that the graphics settings in version 2024.1 were acting strange.
Previously, the “View distance” parameter made a noticeable difference to vegetation detail and performance at each level. Now a noticeable difference (both visually and in performance) is observed only between the “Ultra” and “Low” parameters.
In the screenshots I showed that there is almost no difference between “Ultra” and “Medium”
It feels like Twinmotion is now using significantly higher rendering detail in the viewport.

My config:
4070Ti 12 GB

Did you also check which DirectX version you are using with the newest version? DirectX 11 gives me more fps. Maybe it helps :slight_smile: