Twinmotion 2024.1 Crashes on Startup

I am also having issues with Twinmotion 2024.1. Instead of crashing it is very slow, even when opening an empty scene.
However, Twinmotion 2023.1 works just fine on my machine, but later versions through 2024.1 run super slow.

  • Windows 11 (10.0.22631)
  • GEFORCE RTX 3090
  • AMD Rayzen 5 5600X 6-Core Processor
  • 64 GB RAM

Statistics show Twinmotion 2024.1 empty scene runs at 0 FPS, CPU = 100%, and GPU = 100%. I even deleted all objects from the scene but saw no improvement. I am not sure if it is just simply ignoring the GPU and not using it … but ver. 2023.1 does not have this problem at all.

I have tried filling out a bug report form but that doesn’t seem to work either.
