I’m using the twin stick shooter template as a starter for a game I am creating. The problem with this is that when my ship is facing forward it should not be able to fire backwards. Is there any way I can modify the blueprints for the ship to fix this problem. Your help will be appreciated. Thanks!! :
P.S. the bullets in the picture are edited in because I could not get an actual image while shooting in game.
P.P.S an image of the solution would be appreciated or even a link to a video would be nice. 
Yes. Go to the player controller or character, find where the shoot stick input is handled, follow the logic and where it sets the direction to the direction of the stick, change it to use the direction of the pawn.
That is what i was doing before. The problem i’m having is that i,m finding it hard to find the direction of the stick and shoot stick input. Although I have been able to make the ship shoot in the right direction but it only shoots when i’m pressing the shoot button while moving and it won’t shoot when i’m pressing the shoot button and i’m idle. Please help.