twin motion to unreal issues

Hi guys really hoping for some help here. Im attempting to use Twin motion as a bridge to Unreal Ive used TM for a few years but am learning unreal. Issus is I canot get my TM file into UnrealE successfuly, Ive installed all the plugins and content listed on two version of Unreal 5.0 and 5.1 neither is working correctly and both are displaying different issues. 5.0 will import the file but has no mats or textures I can however drag TM content in to the file from content drawer… 5.1 will bring in file but only through datasmyth which from all the videos ive seen on yotube I should be able to import the native TM file, but even when it does import file its displaying some textures but not others seems completely arbitrary.
I have uninstalled and re installed twice now for both engines each time has different issues…
Twinmotion version is 2023.1
PC win 10 RTX 3090

any help greatly appreciated

I was going through this a few days ago, read posts that called out a bug in the TM-UE5.1 Datasmith plugin. Apparently its broken. I was trying for the first time with both products so I though I was broken.

You can export a Datasmith file from TM and use the DS file loader in UE5 to read it in. That works, mostly.

Thanks for that, at least I know I’m not insane, decided to just push through with unreal direct and forego TM…